6th grade parent night April 4

With just a short time left in the 2018-19 school year, it's time to think ahead for sixth grade students who will be moving up to the junior high school.
A parent night will be held Thursday, April 4 at 6 p.m. for current 6th graders and their families. Families will hear about the scheduling process and will receive an explanation of the upcoming transition meetings planned for students. The meeting will be held in the junior high cafeteria and parents are welcome to tour the building afterward.
On April 5th, Junior High counselors will travel to the LMIS to meet with each 6th grade class. During this meeting, the counselors will discuss the transition to the junior high, course description guides, how to schedule online, and answer any questions your student might have. Students will be given detailed instructions on how to complete the online scheduling process at home.
The window to schedule classes online will be open April 5-10. If, for any reason, your student cannot complete scheduling at home, a make-up scheduling day is planned with the Junior High Counselors on April 12 at the intermediate school.
On May 15, 6th grade students will travel to the Junior High to participate in “Bump Up Day”. This will include a tour of their new building, a meet and greet with their new principals, and a question and answer session.