Aiming for the bulls-eye

"Game of Thrones" has it. "The Hunger Games" has it. Even "Brave" has it. And now, Little Miami Junior High School have it too -- archery.
Students in gym classes this semester had the opportunity to take aim at the target as they studied a unit on archery. The HisPins Archery outreach brought their traveling archery outfit to the school and let students try their hand at shooting a real bow and arrow at stationary bulls-eye targets. Students learned proper technique and safety practices.
While this unit of study is fun, it can have some far-reaching affects. LMHS senior Drew Canos learned archery during his junior high gym class. He is currently the Ohio Junior Outdoor Archers Champion (cadet) and is on the Junior Olympics East Regional Dream Team, attempting to become a part of the U.S. Olympics team.