Congrats to LMJH Power of Pen state finalists

Congratulations LM Jr. High student-writers Isabella Gardner and Riley Angel, who recently competed in the state-level Power of the Pen competition on May 15.
Power of the Pen is a statewide organization for 7th and 8th grade students to demonstrate their writing skills. In a normal year, students compete at a district meet and can move onto a regional level and state level tournament. Tournaments are typically held in person, but this year the contests were held virtually.
During a writing tournament, teams of six students from each school compete in three different rounds of writing. In each round, students are given a prompt which they have 40 minutes to develop a narrative based around. The work of these student writers is scored by writing judges, allowing writers to earn an individual score and a team score. The scores also determine which writers move onto the next level of competition.
Gardner and Angel qualified as individuals for the state competition at the regional tournament on Feb. 27. For the state contest, they entered their submissions virtually and are awaiting final word on their scores.