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LMMS Back to School Update 8-2
Posted on: August 2, 2022

As we prepare to welcome back our students in two weeks, please click the following link to view our student handbook with updated expectations and guidelines: LMMS Student Handbook 2022-2023.pdf (
Some important reminders:
- Cell phones
- To continue our focus on academic success, students (grades 6-8) will no longer be permitted to use cell phones during the school day. We are asking that if students bring their cell phone to school, that they keep it locked in their lockers.
- Backpacks
- If students wish to carry backpacks during the day (between classes) they must be clear backpacks. Students can bring other backpacks TO school, but they need to be kept in their lockers.
- Lockers
- Lockers have been assigned and are listed on the student schedule (available 8/8)
- Locks are provided and are on the students’ lockers.
- The combination for the lock is on the student schedule.
- School Hours:
- Doors to cafeteria (entrance B8) open to Car Riders: 6:40 AM
- Students Dismissed from Buses: 7:10 AM
- School Day Begins: 7:20 AM
- Students Dismissed: 2:00 PM