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LMMS Family Newsletter - 9.6.23
Posted on: September 6, 2023

LMMS Family Newsletter
All School Announcements
- Fall Conferences are on 9/21, 9/28, and 11/9 from 3:30-7:00. Please use this link to sign up!
- For 6th grade, please use the appropriate link below by choosing the link that contains your student's HOMEROOM teacher.
- 7th Grade Families: Today, our 7th students learned about Hope Squad and nominated their peers to be part of Hope Squad. Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. With Hope Squad, nominated students are taught how to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of distress and are empowered to help their friends and classmates by notifying a trusted adult if needed.
- The students watched a short video and then were asked to nominate at least three students in 7th that they feel would make a good member of Hope Squad. After these nominations, staff members will vet the student nominations and select the Hope Squad members.
- It is an honor to be part of Hope Squad and it is absolutely voluntary. Students who were selected and their families will be notified by the end of October. Students will only be permitted to participate in Hope Squad with parental permission.
- Please contact Elyse Parker, Assistant Principal at LMMS, at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
- 6th Grade Families: 6th Grade Fall Field Day will be held 9/15 (rain date 9/22). Please ensure you have updated the portal for your 6th-grade students so they can participate!
- This is our second annual fall field day to focus on community building and collaboration with our 6th-grade classrooms.
- 6th grade will also have a track and field day in the spring.
- Little Miami Spirit Day – Friday, September 8th. Students are encouraged to wear their Little Miami Spirit Wear or Green and Gold!
- Student Groups – Please see the attached link if you are interested in your student participating in any student groups this year:
- Project Pass – Project Pass is held Tuesday and Thursday from the end of the school day until 3:30
- Project Pass is an afterschool supervised time for students to work on homework and get extra help with a class/subject area.
- This year, we will have Project Pass on Tuesday and Thursday from the end of the school day until 3:30. An aide will sit with students from 2:05 until 2:35 while teachers have their end-of-the-day meetings and then work with students from 2:25 - 3:30.
- We will send a new monthly form to sign up for Project Pass.
- We will not have subject-specific days this year and students should come prepared with work they must complete.
- If your student is not attending a session you signed up for, contact [email protected].
- If we cancel the project pass, we will announce the end of the day and make every effort to email parents.
- To sign a student up for Project Pass, please complete the form below. Although we ask that you list who will pick up, this is to have a contact person. Just let your student know who to expect.
PTO Information:
- Popcorn Friday and Snack Shack have resumed! Below are Sign Up Geniuses if you would like to volunteer!
- Popcorn Friday-
- Snack Shack-
- PTO meetings will be on the 1st Monday of the month at 3 p.m. in the LMMS conference room. However, the 1st meeting will be on Monday, September 11th, at 3 p.m. due to Labor Day.
- PTO is hosting a Fall Dance for 7th and 8th-grade students from 7-9 PM on Friday 9.22!
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders and Updates! Please remember to be courteous to one another.
- Arrival
- UPDATE! Students can be dropped off at the cafeteria doors and the back right door beginning at 6:40 AM
- Beginning at 7:10, families can drop off at any door. Please pull over to the left to drop students off and then pull back to the right to drive around the building.
- For student safety, please only drop students on the curbside.
- Dismissal
- Families may create two lines around the building for student pick-up. Car riders are released from the building at 2:00.
- Barriers in the back of the building will be moved at 1:45 each afternoon.
LMMS Reminders:
- Please follow our Instagram page at lm_middleschool for weekly updates, news and photos from around the building!
- School website:
- Click on “Schools,” then “Little Miami Middle School,” click on the tabs to find out about school information.
- Attendance - To place an absence call, call by 9:00 a.m. Call (513) 899-3408 and leave a message on the attendance line extension 25488.
- Lunch Accounts - You may apply money to a student’s lunch account by logging into or sending money to the school office. To check a student’s lunch balance, log on to or call the school cafeteria at (513) 899-3408 extension 25491. You may also find the link on the Little Miami Schools website.
- Transportation - To inquire about a transportation concern, call (513) 899-2941.
- School Nurse - To speak with the school nurse, call (513) 899-3408, extension 25429.
Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 5-15 MAP Testing Makeups
Sept. 21 Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 –7:00
Sept. 22 7th and 8th Grade Dance 7:00 – 9:00
Sept. 28 Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 –7:00
Oct. 5 Picture Retakes
Oct. 9 Teacher in Service – No School
Oct. 10 7/8th grade Choir Concert