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Remote Learning Expectations & Helpful Tips
Posted on: November 17, 2020

While the goal of Little Miami is to remain learning in-person as long as that is a safe option, we must be prepared in case there is a need to move to remote instruction or if your student is quarantined. To assist in making learning at home as successful as possible, please review the student and parent expectations below.
- Log into Schoology for your teacher’s directions and instructions at the start of each week and scheduled period. Course materials & resources will be available in Schoology.
- Log into Schoology to keep track of assignment progress & to submit coursework.
- Grades will be determined by varied online assessments and submissions. Teachers will provide clear details on how individual assignments will be graded.
- Write down or book dates for live sessions and follow the Zoom conduct policy.
- Communicate with teachers when you are having complications logging on or accessing information.
- Seek tech help by emailing [email protected] with a detailed description of the issue that is occurring.
- Assist your student with the above expectations if it is not age appropriate for them to do so on their own.
- Work with your child/children to set a timetable for their study, which includes breaks and stipulates which subjects will be completed during each session.
- Have your child/children work in a common space and remove items that may cause distraction. Regularly monitor the progress of your child/children.
- Discuss the work completed with your child/children and compare against the provided teacher instructions.
- Encourage your child/children to maintain regular contact with teachers to ensure they are aware of course expectations.
- Log into Schoology to check for assignments due for each subject or class.
- If your students are having difficulty completing the work due to technical difficulties, please inform their teachers and contact [email protected] for remote assistance.
Click here for helpful remote learning tips.
If the District does move to remote instruction, please be aware of our Remote Learning Plan.