Votes help put LMJH video over the top

The votes are in and a creative group of Little Miami Jr. High students came out on top!
A video created by a team of seven junior high students for the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing” regional contest earned two awards recently, including the coveted Viewer’s Choice award, thanks to votes cast by fans and supporters. The video also took home the Outstanding Creativity Award.
The contest is an effort by Cincinnati Region OKI to improve the image of manufacturing as a career choice. Teams of middle school students are provided with video equipment and instructional materials and are matched with local manufacturers. Each team has four months to create a short video profile of their partner company.
Little Miami students Chasen Allison, Kendall Gentry, Faith Goddard, Laynie Hogan, Maille Neus, Logan Pettet and Kenneth Wild filmed and edited footage taken at JBM Packaging in Lebanon, a manufacturer of envelopes and other packing items.
The video submission took home two of only eight awards given. Sixteen schools participated in the contest. The LMJH group is led by teacher Ellen Mason. View the team's video here: