Volunteers needed for Junior Achievement

Parent and community volunteers are needed at grades 1 through 4 to help Little Miami students learn about economics and the career world through the Junior Achievement program.
What is Junior Achievement?
Junior Achievement is the world’s largest and fastest growing economic educational organization. Our purpose is to prepare and inspire young people to value free enterprise, business and economics to improve the quality of their lives. Our hands-on programs are presented to students by “consultants” from the community who demonstrate how education directly affects future employment and success.
Who can volunteer?
Our volunteers range from college students to retirees, with our largest group being business professionals from various walks of life. We require all volunteers to complete our Volunteer Conduct Standards and Social Media Policy form prior to entering the classroom.
How much time will volunteering take?
- 5 classroom visits each lasting about 45 minutes
- Time at home to read the lessons and prepare
- 1 hour one-time-only training for new volunteers
The Junior Achievement program is usually presented in April or May and volunteers are needed for grades 1 and 2 at both Harlan-Butlerville Primary and Hamilton-Maineville Primary, along with volunteers needed at grades 3 and 4 at Salem Elementary.
If interested, please contact our Elementary Curriculum Director, Maryann Duffy, at (513) 899-2264 ext. 50119 or [email protected].