Medication Administration
Click here to download the Authorization to Administer Medication form.
We ask that parents try to administer medications at home when possible. If however, the student needs to take physician prescribed or over-the-counter medication at school, the following procedures must be followed.
- The Authorization for Administration of Medication by School Personnel form (see above) must be completed in full by the physician and parent and returned to the building nurse.
- Parent/guardian must bring the medication, in person, to the office/clinic. Students are never to carry medications to school, except for epi pens or inhalers.
- The medication must be in the original container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician/licensed pharmacist. Upon request, pharmacists will often give parents two labeled containers so they can have one for home and one for school.
- The medication label must state student name, name of medication, dose, time to be given and prescriber name.
View the Medication Administration board policies: