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Over the course of a school year, the Little Miami Local School District uses a number of assessment tools to help monitor the educational progress of our students.

Some of these assessments are state-mandated and others are specific to the district. All of them provide data that help teachers determine the appropriate instructional levels and skills that students are ready to learn. These assessments also aid teachers and principals in creating the best environment possible for students to achieve.

Student scores on these assessments are always available to parents for their review. Any questions should be directed to your student's teacher or principal, or to Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum Director Marla Timmerman.

State assessments
Ohio’s uses a variety of assessments in conjunction with the new state learning standards. The following link offers information about the assessments.

MAP Assessments

Little Miami uses MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress). MAP will be administered in grades 2-8 three times per year (fall, winter, spring). We administer MAP tests to determine student instructional level and to measure academic growth throughout the school year in the areas of reading and math. Students will take the assessments on a computer. MAP tests are unique in that they adapt to be appropriate for your child's level of learning. As a result, each student has the opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. 

For more resources on the MAP assessments, please visit

Percentile Rank for Student Level Achievement Norms   

Percentile Rank          Category
1st to 20th   Low
21st to 40th       Low Average
41st to 60th   Average
61st to 80th   High Average
80th and higher   High


Acadience Assessments

Little Miami uses Acadience Assessments to help teachers understand where their students are.  It provides the teacher with specific performance measures to help students improve their reading.

State-Funded ACT Test Information
More information can be found on the Ohio Dept. Education website.